Zhalaudi Geriev. Photo from the journalist's page in a social network, Facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003823334397

12 November 2016, 13:27

CPJ calls on Chechen SC to release Zhalaudi Geriev

On November 15, the court shall consider the appeal against the sentence of Zhalaudi Geriev, a correspondent of the "Caucasian Knot" in Chechnya. According to the NGO "Committee to Protect Journalists" (CPJ), Zhalaudi Geriev should to be released and the case against him should be closed.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on September 5, the court sentenced Zhalaudi Geriev to three years of imprisonment on the charge of possession of marijuana. The defence appealed against the sentence and pointed to numerous examples of falsification of the case materials and contradictions in the prosecutors' version. The case against Zhalaudi Geriev, who was recognized by the Human Rights Centre (HRC) "Memorial" a political prisoner, attracted the attention of Russian and British media. The journalist was nominated for the "Freedom of Expression Awards 2017".

The petition is posted on the website "Change.org" to collect signatures in support of Zhalaudi Geriev. As of November 12, the number of signatures exceeded 24,000.

"We call on for the immediate release of Zhalaudi Geriev, who has already spent seven months in prison on the fabricated charge," noted Nina Ognyanova, the coordinator of the CPJ's programmes for Europe and Central Asia.

According to the appeal of the "Committee to Protect Journalists", Chechnya is one of the most dangerous regions for journalists, and Zhalaudi Geriev is one of the few activists who have the courage to write, regardless of the opinion of the Chechen authorities.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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